
Vision of Our Core Values

Effingham Baptist Church exists in order that we may glorify the Lord God through the family of God, home, church, and world missions as He has established in His Word.

Our Core Values
Ministry distinctives provide a framework for understanding who we are and what we do as the body of Christ here at EBC.

1. A God-centered Life - In every aspect of our ministry, the focal point will always be the honor and glory of the Lord Jesus Christ, who is now exalted at the right hand of the Father.

2. The Inerrancy of the God’s Word - The direction of our ministry comes from the Word of God as we submit to its commands and principles.

3. The Power of Prayer - All that we do must have the power of our individual and corporate prayer support.  All of our ministry needs to expect the power and presence of God.

4. An Atmosphere of Grace - We understand that nothing good happens in our ministry that is not the result of His grace, His unmerited favor toward us, and consequently, our ministry together must be characterized by that same grace in our response to one another.  We are all saved sinners and therefore are not better than anyone else.

5. An Emphasis on Missions and Evangelism - The conviction that Jesus Christ is the only way, truth, and the life to heaven leads us to proclaiming the gospel by sending our members to take the message to all those in the local community and to the world.

6. The Importance of Family - Recognizing that one of the greatest tools for winning others to Christ is a working faith in Christ that is rightly lived within the home.  We are committed to strengthening the spiritual lives of families as they seek to become God’s Light to our community.

7. The Humble Efforts of Service - Our ministry is built upon the assumption that there is no task, responsibility, beneath any of our members so that we undertake every ministry with a humble heart, grateful for the privilege of serving Christ and His body.

8. An Example of Faithfulness - Rather than focus on bearing fruit in our ministries, either numerically or spiritually, we believe we are called to be faithful and allow the Lord to determine the level of fruitfulness we are to enjoy.

9. A Targeted Ministry - Although we encourage all our members to pursue the individual ministries to which God has called them, we believe that it is better for the church as a whole to focus on a few target ministries and do them well, rather than try to embrace all the ministries represented by our members.

10. A Willingness to Progress - We are convinced that in order to follow Christ, we must be committed to change and be willing to be innovative so that we do not place any barriers to growth in our way to becoming the church God wants us to be.